Home > Artworks > José Joaquín López Gómez

Photo of José Joaquín López Gómez Colombia

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The essence of the social art Manual construction of dreams, work comes José Joaquín López. A Santandereano that for 20 years, decided to make art his life.

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The essence of the social art Manual construction of dreams, work comes José Joaquín López. A Santandereano that for 20 years, decided to make art his life. This artist of 60 years is considered more a wanderer, a nomad. His early works made ??in the seventies show a shy artist, unsure of his work, but with broad lines of poetry in it. Perhaps classes you received with the maestro Mario Llanosa, the sculptor, or Agelvis Second, the painter, he was allowed to approach a work less common and therefore more complex and full of meanings. It's a more humane work, undoubtedly, a work that brings us to the simplicity of a pair of hands to rest after plowing, soiled by the passage of time. No friend of exhibitions and social gatherings to promote artists JJ Lopez began wandering through the towns of Santander, applying its expertise to the reconstruction of religious images. After years of violence, churches destroyed and the pain of the uprooted communities showed him that art can also heal. 12pt; font-family: 'Arial', 'sans-serif' "> But the commercialization of art is a reality that confronts every artist at some stage. JJLopez was established in Bucaramanga and from there began what he calls the commercial line of his work. With careful and detailed momentum was dedicated to the manufacture of architectural additions to private property. From Friezes a particularly erotic sculptures, inspired by the Greeks. It is at this stage that the artist faces the color, devoted to the copying of art work, more to soften its line on the basis of inspiration. Also highlights this time the project started great men of history, busts small for individual consumers and their great work horse, in relief and painting, purchased by individuals in Venezuela. But what really stands out this time is the emerging relationship between the artist and some philosophical lines that allow you to think about death and life. From his days wandering around the towns of Santander, JJLopez questioned his work against the painful reality of human loss. How to combine art and death? After some research the artist takes a familiar expression in sculpture, small bust. But outside this building, which represents only an image, adds an additional element with which families can feel like yours. Developed a technique by which the ashes of dead people are integrated into the mix that makes possible the work. Now the work is focused on the woodworking and religious jewelry. To JJlopez art is of the people and for people. You can create and recreate reality, but only identified in the work gives validity. Want to touch people, to cure. Does not consider himself an artist, just a man who goes through life and see. His hands guided by a little lonely this nature make the stone, marble, wood, canvas, words that have become all that he has lived. And a lot. For a man who worked on a racetrack, was an insurance salesman, jewelry, wooden toy maker, art teacher, life has happened very quickly. We hope you find enough time to pursue his particular way of seeing the world and through its interpretárnoslo wonderful creation.

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